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This page has two sections, the first hosts articles and media related to mental health. The second section contains contributions by Active Minds members past and present.



Click on the pictures to the right to read the articles.
"Andrew in the Gap Years"

Welcome to “Andrew in the Gap Years!” Here I’ll be talking about my journey entering the field of mental health, and talking to others about the work they do. I'm here to help those interested learn about career options, and other ways to get involved in the field of mental health! Having recently gotten my B.S in Clinical Psychology, and facing 2 years of waiting before I can pursue my dream of getting a graduate degree in Social Work, I immersed myself in learning, volunteering, and my job; all of which have one thing in common: mental health.

Local Confidence Coach Masha Evpak Interviews Science Writer Ian Street About His Experience With Depression and Imposter Syndrome in Grad School
BoldAdulting: Courage in the Face of Self-Doubt
January 9, 2017

Science writer Dr. Ian Street shares about how his past experiences with depression have made him stronger today, the surprising upside of being self-conscious while talking, and his dreams for his career transition into a full-time science communicator.

Get Over it: Discrimination and Mental Health

Mental Health Outreach for Clinicians, UCSD
November 3, 2016

"Not all mental illnesses are created equal. Have you ever heard about how some cancers are pretty easy to treat but others can be extremely aggressive? It’s the same idea with mental illnesses. Not all cancers are the same, and not all mental illnesses are the same. A person suffering from delusions may not currently have the capacity to be an informed voter, yet someone with severe obsessive-compulsive disorder could have just as dense a psychiatric history as the delusional patient but be completely aware of the political issues and capable of voting responsibly."



By members Austin Lau and Andrew Listvinsky: Debunking the Myths of Eating Disorders
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